10,000+ available titles
The largest marketplace of movie rights in the world
Over 20,000 licenses transacted
Worldwide, there are over two hundred thousand movie distributors, spread across multiple continents and time zones, aggregating films for thousands of entertainment networks and over a hundred thousand digital cinema screens.
To make distribution even more complex, the rapidly growing number of on-line streaming networks and digital storefronts are driving an exponential demand for more digital content.
The Digital Film Cloud Network is a software platform that provides the film industry with an industry standards-based, business-to-business global marketplace that removes many of the manual business process inefficiencies found today within the promotion, financing, licensing, and secure delivery of digital films.
Founder, Chairman & CEO
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
EVP Product Development
Product Development
Media and Entertainment Executive
Producer: Source Code
Primal Fear, Fracture
Director, Cinemark Holdings
CEO Century Theaters
Producer, The Practice,
L.A. Law
President, Glas Inis Ventures
Founder IMDb,